
It took legions to  get us out today. But we made it!!! Thank you Jehovah.

Sarafina and I had a hard night, and I was really counting on lying on my pillow. But, I thought, "What can I sacrifice for Jehovah today?" And that's what I sacrificed. Veg time. Hang out time. I thought "Let me get out there and just go slow. Slow and low. " And it was a good motto, because I got out, and we got to do a little bit of ministry. Jehovah blessed my little family today.

Sometimes I talk myself right out of the ministry because I want to accomplish soooo much. Today was proof of quality over quantity.

It was kinda fun too, we were assigned to work with Grandpa and teta. So it was just a big ol van full of Martins. Lol

We did a few rv's and then went home.
We have meeting tonight, and everyone needs to be prepared.


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