"Hey, watch your sister...."

I don't know what I was thinking.
Wait, yes I do. I had to pee. So I hoped for the best, best but prepared for the worse.

This is what I walked into--
Fina having full access to:

-A Meat Mallet (It remains a mystery WHY this is on my counter in the first place!!)

- A screw driver (clearly used to replace batteries on Billy's helicopter)

- A $40.00 helicopter. Just waiting to be dismantled by little hands.

- The remote for the helicopter, dismantled, batteries patiently waiting for consumption.

- A FLY SWATER GUN. (Don't ask.)

-Gift bags being prepared for a part tomorrow. Complete with TONS of candy. Just sitting there on the counter. Just hanging out. Because no, there are no little one Around that like to snatch and grab.

And-- NO BILLY!!! Fina is alone.
With the list above.

Fail. Just : FAIL!


  1. that should teach you.... you only have 2 choices, choice one, when u need to go potty.... everyone needs to go in the potty room with you..... or.......
    two... you only go potty between the hours of... 10pm to 5am...
    she could have used the mallet on the remote, then shot her brobro with the swater, before she put the helicopter in the sink, and fed the dog the batteries... all in all......not a bad potty break...lol

    1. Ha!! Well seeing as I have a small bathroom, I guess ill hold it until 10 pm. Lol.


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