Homeschooling perk

The ability to Pursue an intriguing thought. Kids pay attention when they are genuinely interested. That's why it's soooo hard to get them to do certain subjects at certain times. But, all summer we have been pursuing interesting thoughts, using Math and Science, English and Lit. And in my opinion, History is always talked about, just in general conversation.

Over lunch we were playing a game called "I love you more than...." And you go around the table filling in the blank. "I love you more than: all the stars in the sky.", "Well, I love YOU more than....all the hairs on a cat." Etc.
Billy said "I love you more than all the sand on a beach." The unsaid rule for the older ones is to out number the last opponent. So Koral and I laughed. And Billy then said: "How many atoms are in one grain of sand?" My reply: "Fantastic question." So we did some research and found this science equation. Billy completely understood it, and was not impressed with the math. He did giggle at the amount of atoms in a single grain of sand. And he was amazed at why and how Jehovah created things.

During lunch, we had a bible study, circle time and a science class. Awesome.


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