Mamas daily text

It's 4:45 am. Little ones are waking, pointing at the fridge, asking for musical shows and needing diaper changes and teddy bears and blankies and cuddles and love.

It's 5:15 am and everyone is calm, clean and content. Except mama. Mama is preparing for her day. The next 23 hours of her life. Time to start the laundry. Time to start the dough, and pull the meat out of the freezer.

It's 6:30 am. It's time to start breakfast and get everyone ready for the day. Older ones are up.

It's 8:30 time to get in the car. Time to start the day.

Above is my life. Everyday. 7 days a week. Except--- somewhere between 5:15 and 8:30 (usually after settling the young ones and before the older ones get up.) I sip delicious coffee and read the daily text. The ONE thing in my early morning that keeps me centered. Without it, crazy craziness falls upon our world. With it-- like Mary popping herself is signing through our Halls.

Continuously I have proven the above.
So I state: the daily text is not an option but a required morning medication, that must be taken as necessary, and apply daily bible reading like an ointment on a nasty rash! :D because without it, it's crazy craziness!! Or, a hot mess. Which ever is most understood.


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