Artisan bread

I have this weird longing relationship with bread. I love it. It loves my hips. I love to cook it, it loves to require specific moments of my day for attention. This is why me and French Bread don't get along. The required attention. But artisan and I, we get along very well. More so, the Dutch oven, artisan and I get along exceptionally well. I could make this bread daily. It never makes it to the "Crouton Stage." 

Here's the recipe I used: 

It takes 12 hours, bake at 450; 
But the crunch! And the color! And the texture. 

My dearest Artisan, 
 I know, I know, I went on my kale kick. 
Healthy this, healthy that. But let's not ignore what's 
Really happening between us; a relationship that 
Can't be denied!!! Someone pass the butter!  

- Meya 


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