2 Cor. 4:16 "...Do not give up.."

I have been contemplating this verse all week.
It can be applied, in every aspect, to every person, in any situation.
I've thought in depth about this.
Four little words, carry so much strength.

I have heard fireman tell each other "Don't Give up."
I have heard people tell other people, spiritual or not, " Don't give up."
I have heard wives tell husbands, and husbands tell children, "Don't give up."
I've heard in the birthing room: "Don't stop, your almost there!"

Such a simple idea: Keep going.
So in other words: This is going to be hard. Probably, very hard. Your probably going to cry. Maybe even get mad. Just "Don't give up."

My goal: "...Don't give up...".


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