Alphabet soup, from scratch

Ok, maybe not from SCRATCH.
I opened a can of tomato soup, and made some alphabet noodles.

But this soup had a purpose!

It all started with a show called "Martha Speak". A children cartoon about a dog, that eats alphabet soup and starts talking. Well Bella got all excited about this and asked me to cook some, so she can learn "Big words" and "Save some for the dog. I wanna talk to her!"

"Roxy girl will eat some and turn into a yellow dog named Martha."

Then she feeds some to the dog. Who happily accepts. She looks right into the dogs eyes, and as serious as can be says "Well?!?! Is it workin?"
Roxys tail wags, but no words come out. Without loosing eye contact Bella yells out "MOOOOMMMMMM we need more soup!"

Ha ha ha!


  1. I read the book "Martha Speaks" when I was little. I think I still have it... Bella with Roxy is hilarious!! I know what to read Bella before bed next time she comes over. ;0)


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