The schedule breakdown for Thursdays

Everyday is different. But this is life on Thursday. It goes a little something like this:

6-8 am different kids do different thing to get ready for service.
8-9 am travel to service.
9-12 pm service.
12-12:30 pm LUNCHA!
12:30-2:30/3:00 babies take naps
Older ones to do hard studies.
3:00-4:00 button up school/ spiritual studies
4:00-6:00 play/ mama exercise time (2 mile run; goal 20 minutes)
6:00-7:00 dinner
7:30-8:00 pm family study
8:00-8:30 showers/teeth/bed
9:30 older ones down.
9:30-10 pm drink wine and snuggle hubby
10 pm mamas turn to sleep.

Where is my husband in all this? Working!!!! And handling Congergation issues/duties. He joins the seen around dinner time. He loves helping with the little ones and of coarse, he leads in family study.

I would say Thursdays are crazy. But they are not, not really in comparison to other days.


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