Service during the C.O and D.O

What a busy-busy--insanely Busy day.
(It's only noon) lol.
The Martins met up with another family and found our selves out numbered, greatly with kids in the lead. But with Jehovah's strength and the leading brothers guidance, all was beyond well.

The D.O conducted meeting, and said he would call on anyone not raising their hands. His wife turned and looked at me and said "Do you see why they only allow us to come through ever 10 years?!" :D what a sweet couple.

Bella questioned The C.O about the jam. "Did ja eat it yet?" He said "No, I'm sorry to say that we didn't yet." She accepted that with no issues, and down to the stage she went.

There was a nice fat, plump- group out.
And it was so nice to talk to my fellow sister about scheduling service into homeschooling. It was so encouraging to chit chat about the details.

It was a wonderful morning.


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