Strawberry Lemon Jam & Lemon Honey Jam

To go with the freshly milled whole wheat loaf.

I got both recipes off the Ball website.
Nothing special, no special techniques. Just printed out the recipes and followed along.

One of my hopes this spring/summer is to do more canning. I want to can lots of yummy jams and jellies from the produce grown in our garden and from our trees.

Right now, there are a lot of lemons. So I found some recipes that called for lemons. We had strawberries on hand.
And I had honey in the cabinet. There was no money out of pocket for these.

Survey says:

Lemon Honey Jam: "Delicious" needs a biscuit and sweet tea, porch swing and friends.

Strawberry Lemon Jam: "Very good!"

What a beautiful afternoon. Wheat milling, bread rising, stove hot from canning. While children play, people eat, and conversations flow. I feel so very blessed to have the life I have.


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