Making English Muffins

For breakfast.
Not only was this fun to do with the little ones, I was very surprised how easy this recipe was.

The recipe isn't the hard part.

6 C Flour
2 TBSP Sugar
2 1/4 tsp Yeast
1 Egg
1 C Milk warmed
1 C warm Water
3 TBSP warm water

I added everything in my bread machine and pushed "Dough." Almost 2 hours later, I had a HUGE fluffy dough ball. I spread it out on the table, of coarse, flouring the table first. I gave the girls some busicuit cookie cutters and showed them how.

Then I heated the cast iron pan and added some corn meal so it wouldnt stick. Heres where the work comes in. Baby sitting the biscuits. You want them to brown beautifully on both sides. I dont know how long it took, i just kept flipping until my eye was satisfied. I kept this up, until I made a full cookie sheet worth. Then I put it in the pan at 350 for 10 Minutes. Just in case they didnt cook fully on the stove.

This is the part where you die. Of happiness. They came out exactly like the stores. Are you dead? Dying? I was, am and did!

On the second batch I let the kids pick their cookie cutters, so we have heart, stars and bears waiting for us in the morning.

5 Stars for this one!



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