Eggplant Parmigiana Soup

Yeah. I know; "Soup?"
Yes. I made soup out of eggplant.
And it was AMAZING.
If you like eggplant parmigiana, then you will LOVE this soup. If you don't care for it, then pass all together.

I sautéed eggplant, onion, garlic, and bell peppers from the garden. I pulled out a frozen bag of stewed tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, kale and chicken stock. I threw all the frozen in the crock pot. I added a bag of white navy beans.
After the eggplant was browned on both sides and the onions were translucent, I dumped it in the crockpot. Then I added tomato sauce and water to fill the pot. I also added a huge bowl of fresh basil, chopped.

Wait 3 hours.

Then I gently blended the soup, just to break up the eggplant. And added 2 C parmesan cheese.

Stir. Scoop. Eat. Swoon. Repeat.

The picture of the soup with the cheese stringing off the spoon (YUMMY) was because I added extra cheese when I served it. I had shredded cheese, and i didn't measure. I just threw in a whole bunch.

I love this soup because it taste SO good. But, there is no deep frying. Which makes it even healthier.

I can proudly say: "Oooh Eggplant!! Now I can make soup!"


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