My epic fail

The idea was lovely: make home made Fig Newtons. I have a fig tree. It has lots of figs. It makes since. Bella had the idea. Brilliant.

I have all the ingredients to make the cookie part. Someone call the little ones, this is going to be fun. And it was.

I chopped, they stirred a bowel of flour.
I added water to my figs, and soaked them for an hour, they sifted and threw flour.
I simmered figs for 45 minutes to make the thickest fig jam the world has ever seen. Beautiful!! They covered the dog in flour.
I rolled out the chilled dough, and was happily anticipating this cookie. Literally picked from my tree.
The jam was cooled off now and a good time for testing. So I grabbed this--serving spoon-- and took this very big helping of jam.......And out it came. "OH WHY?!?!" 'Spit' "IT'S HORRIBLE!!"
'Spit-spit' and promptly ran water over my tongue. My 3 year old ran over "Why are you spitting on the kitchen floor??" I assured her it was for my own protection. "Bella, these cookies are HORRIBLE!!" "What?!?! Why?!" She asked, worried and a little frantic.
Then it dawned on me; I added TWO HEAPING CUPS OF SALT, instead of sugar.

Epic fail.
Time to relabel the containers.

My face puckered into itself like--- a baby eating a lemon for the first time.

:D can't win them all. Cookie anyone? I have a huge tray, the dog won't touch it. :D


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