Family kite day at the Precidio in SF.

How interesting of a place. I've never been here before, but was drawn in by the family flyer. SF is amazing. So many fun things to do with kids.

We got to build kites and and fly them. Music was loud and jazzy. And the "Great lawn" was wonderful.

I called my dad to tell him where we were headed and he said he used to live in the Presidio, when he was a kid.
"What?!?! Why?" He said he was a military brat, and grandpa was stationed there. He then told me he learned that he was allergic to poison oak from living there. Apparently, he ran from his home to the beach, and tricked right through it, without shoes.
His feet were so bad, he couldn't walk, his whole body swelled up, and the military ambulance had to come pick him up. Back then, they beloved that if you popped a boil, the problem could spread. So they (hard swallow) razor blades his feet clean of all boils. To prevent any further issues. He said he fainted. Twice. (Ahhhhh!!!! My poor daddy!) I then scolded my father for not wearing shoes. Lol.


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