Even the dog participates in naptime

School starts at 8am.
In the schoolhouse doing daily text by 7:30 am.
10 minutes for text, 20 minutes for the older children to prepare their days.
8 am-- older two are busy with schoolwork until noon. Except Billy, he gets one 20 minute break at 10 am. He runs around like crazy and eats hoards of food, swigs a bottle of water and goes back to class. Meanwhile I'm bouncing from little kid to little kid, while answering older kid questions. No complaints, just a juggling act.

Noon: lunch.
1 pm-3pm. Nap time. (Thank you Jah for nap time!) LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE naptime.

Do not be fooled, I'm not napping. Oh no. This is the time of day the older ones are saving all kinds of questions and paperwork for me.

But the quiet is so beautiful. I....just....love it!

I call out from the yard "NAP TIME!"
4 kids and a dog pile in. Everyone takes a moment to settle in, but eventually, everything is....wonderful.

Happy moment.


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