So...did you know... Chickens sleep lying down

Sometimes face down, legs out beak under them, sound asleep?

Not only did I take a picture, but I poked it. And it stood up and yelled at me for poking it.

5 am I'm thinking "Cute chicke chicke." And I see my chicken, and I see her all sprawled out and dead like. So I start thinking "Oh no. Poor dead chicke chicke."
Then I poked it. And she yelled!
So I danced and made noise, in celebration we made it through the night. She wasent as happy as I was.

Instantly I had a baby flash back. I poked each of my kids in the middle of the night, those first couple months. Watching to them like a hawk, and poking them through the night.

Now, I've progressed to poking baby chickens. :)

Either way; I leaned baby chickens sleep like cats.


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