8 Banana- Banana Bread

We cleaned out the freezer yesterday and I found a freezer bag with 8 frozen bananas.

I ran to get my bread machine and set to work!

I used a basic white recipe from the cookbook.
While adding cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and brown sugar to the dough.

I microwaved all the Bananas and plopped them into the bread machine. Followed the directions and pushed "Dough."

Tra la la I went about my business. 45 minutes later it was ready for me to work with.

I thought it would be nice to make 2 fat juicy loafs, one with raisins and one without.

I rolled out the dough and added a cinnamon bun recipes "Swirl." Goo—-ey........yum.

Then I let it rise in the bread pans for an hour.

Then I cooked it @375 for an hour.

Then I took a stick of frozen butter and melted it all over the top until it was glistening.

Then, I let it cool for 30 minutes.

It slices like white bread, but tastes like bananas!!! Fina gave it 5 stars and licked her plate clean.


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