91 degrees, in June

And I'm eating soup and bread. Norwegian blood runs thick in me.

Soup and bread.
Bread and soup.

It's like the most comforting food I can possibly think of. When times are tough I say "Make soup!" Then I immediately find a recipe for bread.

What's soup with out bread?!

This time I picked 5 huge handfuls of basil and chopped it up. Then I took 3 almost over ripe tomatoes and squished them senseless. Then made an artisan bread out of it. Amazing!!

Meanwhile I made a bean soup. I picked some
Kale and zucchini from the garden, and sautéed them until they were ready. Then I sautéed onion and garlic. Then I added all the above into a crockpot. Then I sautéed chicken Asiago spinach sausage, and added that to the crockpot. Then I cooked down a package of bacon, after I diced it up. I threw all that in the crock pot, plus grease. I added 1 C of shredded hard parmesan cheese. Then I added 3 cups of hard white navy beans. Then I filled the crock pot to the top with water and cooked over night. The result????!! So. Very. Good.

It was so good, you can eat it on a hot day, and go back for seconds!!!!


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