Service: One shoe, 2 Band-Aids and a bucket full of sorrow

Not every day can be perfect.
Some days are hard. And it's our job, as parents, to show them how to handle hard.

Fina was a bucket full of sadness today. Why? No clue. She can't say much except "No", "Yes" and "Yuckie." So I sat in the back seat and gently held her hand. While she cried herself to sleep. Bella on the other hand was a bucket full of sunshine. Happily singing songs praising Jehovah. The front of my van was full of proud, relaxed worshiper a of Jehovah and so patient with Finas woes.

Moral of the Story: Don't we all get there? It's ok. Were all here for each other. Not everyday can be "Blooming Daffodils" in this system. But everyday we can display love and kindness and patience. It's cool. We all get there.


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