
Showing posts from November, 2013

Slow-Cooked-apple-stuffed- charcoal BBQ rotisserie Turkey.


Fina, mommy and Big Sissy project.

My beautiful moment

Fina making friends out in service

Fishing in the Red Sea

Husband Post

"I can say 'I have to go pee in Spanish'" Bella age 4

1st oranges from our orange tree

Everything in balance

"Popcorn in the bath."

Service: 3 kids and a cat

Service: One shoe, 2 Band-Aids and a bucket full of sorrow

"How did you get this kitchen?"

Bella (age 4)

Service was like: Blooming Daffodils

Service was like...sticky lollipops

Great day out in service

Finas hat and gloves are done for winter