"Man. That's some WHITE bread."

I spent all morning making this bread. Slowly heating the milk, to a certain temp. Room temping the butter. Letting the yeast activate in the warm water for 10 minutes. Rise once (2 hours), punch, form, let it rise again ( 1 hour), bake at 350 for 45 minutes. Then when it's golden, slick that puppy up with some butter. 

Then serve. The response I got from my family? 

"This sure is some WHITE bread."

"It taste like wonder bread."

I will say, this baby sliced like perfection. My family is not a white bread kind of family, but if ever I need to make some white bread, then this is the recipe I will use. Lol 

Here's the link. I did the bread recipe under the title: "Sandwich bread". 

- Meya 🌻


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